UPS & Diesel Back-up Generator in Cloud Web Hosting
If you get a cloud web hosting package from our company, you won't ever need to worry about possible power blackouts resulting in the loss of precious data, even if you host very important sites on our servers. All of the machines which are part of our groundbreaking cluster platform use effective UPSs which can keep them working for a long length of time - more than sufficient for a number of diesel generators to begin working and take over. The latter are efficient enough to keep each one of the three facilities entirely functional for a number of hours and without any restrictions, so your sites shall continue to operate perfectly and without any delays or restrictions. The power backup is one of the factors behind our 99.9% service uptime guarantee.
UPS & Diesel Back-up Generator in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you purchase a semi-dedicated server account from our company, it shall be created on a cutting-edge hosting platform in a data center with an outstanding infrastructure. The Chicago-based data center uses a different UPS for every server or network switch located there to ensure that the correct functioning of any unit shall not be interrupted until effective generators start producing the needed electrical power. The latter are able to power the entire facility for a very long time without having to turn off any devices, so all the Internet sites hosted on our web servers will continue to function at optimum speed and with zero effect on their efficiency. These power backup options permit us to guarantee that any outage will never be a reason for your sites to go offline or to have lowered functionality.